Colori e parole

La creatura spesso disegna con la nonna, la mi’ mamma. Che a lungo insegnò proprio disegno. Così capita che la creatura ti mostri la maglietta col colletto blu oltremare. O ti chieda il pennarello ocra o quello indaco. In questi casi, mi scatta puntuale la madeleine delle tempere delle scuole medie: rosso carminio e vermiglione, marrone terra bruciata e terra di Siena.

Poi certo, tornando alla creatura: c’è anche dei colori difficili da dire.
C’è lo
stinfenziatore giallo per esempio.
Poi c’è il mio preferito: il color rosa shopping.

One Comment on “Colori e parole

  1. Ring! ring! its 7:00 a.m.!

    Move yself to go again

    Cold water in the face

    Brings you back to this awful place

    Knuckle merchants and you bankers, too

    Must get up an learn those rules

    Weather man and the crazy chief

    One says sun and one says sleet

    A.m., the f.m. the p.m. too

    Churning out that boogaloo

    Gets you up and gets you out

    But how long can you keep it up?

    Gimme honda, gimme sony

    So cheap and real phony

    Hong kong dollars and indian cents

    English pounds and eskimo pence

    You lot! what?

    Dont stop! give it all you got!

    You lot! what?

    Dont stop! yeah!

    Working for a rise, better my station

    Take my baby to sophistication

    Shes seen the ads, she thinks its nice

    Better work hard – I seen the price

    Never mind that its time for the bus

    We got to work – an youre one of us

    Clocks go slow in a place of work

    Minutes drag and the hours jerk

    When can I tell em wot I do?

    In a second, maaan…oright chuck!

    Wave bub-bub-bub-bye to the boss

    Its our profit, its his loss

    But anyway lunch bells ring

    Take one hour and do your thanng!


    What do we have for entertainment?

    Cops kickin gypsies on the pavement

    Now the news – snap to attention!

    The lunar landing of the dentist convention

    Italian mobster shoots a lobster

    Seafood restaurant gets out of hand

    A car in the fridge

    Or a fridge in the car?

    Like cowboys do – in t.v. land

    You lot! what? dont stop. huh?

    So get back to work an sweat some more

    The sun will sink an well get out the door

    Its no good for man to work in cages

    Hits the town, he drinks his wages

    Youre frettin, youre sweatin

    But did you notice you aint gettin?

    Dont you ever stop long enough to start?

    To take your car outta that gear

    Dont you ever stop long enough to start?

    To get your car outta that gear

    Karlo marx and fredrich engels

    Came to the checkout at the 7-11

    Marx was skint – but he had sense

    Engels lent him the necessary pence

    What have we got? yeh-o, magnificence!!

    Luther king and mahatma gandhi

    Went to the park to check on the game

    But they was murdered by the other team

    Who went on to win 50-nil

    You can be true, you can be false

    You be given the same reward

    Socrates and milhous nixon

    Both went the same way – through the kitchen

    Plato the greek or rin tin tin

    Whos more famous to the billion millions?

    News flash: vacuum cleaner sucks up budgie



    Fucking long, innit?

    Doverosamente …Clash

    Lo so che adesso mi consiglierai di aprirmi un bel blog perchè il mio post è troppo lungo, e sono consapevole che sei troppo well educated e tanto stylish… ma ricordati che c’è tanto bel trash a London


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